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/ 下面的alloc_pages(gfp_mask,order)函数用来请求2^order个连续的页框 */172

define alloc_pages(gfp_mask, order)

173 alloc_pages_node(numa_node_id(), gfp_mask, order)

618 #define numa_node_id() (cpu_to_node(raw_smp_processor_id())) 47 / Returns the number of the node containing CPU 'cpu' / 48 static inline int cpu_to_node(int cpu) 49 { 50 return cpu_2_node[cpu]; 51 } 465 int cpu_2_node[NR_CPUS] read_mostly = { [0 ... NR_CPUS-1] = 0};//每个CPU都有相互对应的节点,read_mostly是gcc的一个 //属性

//分配页面函数,这个函数比较复杂,所牵涉到的内容也比较多,尤其是进程方面的内容 144 static inline struct page alloc_pages_node(int nid, gfp_t gfp_mask, 145 unsigned int order) 146 { 147 if (unlikely(order >= MAX_ORDER)) /如果要求分配的页数大于MAX_ORDER就以失败告终,这里的MAX_ORDER指的是最大页面号,这里要注意的是对于伙伴算法,所分配的 页面的最大值为2^10,即1024个页面,这一点在伙伴算法中经常会使用到,所以这里的MAX_ORDER的值为11,也就是说如果order的值大于了10,即超出了最大值,那么就会以失败告终,直接以失败返回。/ 148 return NULL; /从这个判断可以了解到,所分配页的最大的值为 2^10次方,即1KB个页面,即最大不能超过4MB。/ 149 150 / Unknown node is current node / 151 if (nid < 0) 152 nid = numa_node_id();/具体实现: #define numa_node_id() (cpu_to_node(raw_smp_processor_id())) //最后得到的值为0,因为假设现在只有一个CPU / / 47 / Returns the number of the node containing CPU 'cpu' 48 static inline int cpu_to_node(int cpu) 49 { 50 return cpu_2_node[cpu];//int cpu_2_node[NR_CPUS] __read_mostly = { [0 ... NR_CPUS-1] = 0 };/ 这又是C语言中使用的一个新的数组初始化的方法。 //read_mostly是在最后执行的时候被组织到一起,这被认为是为了提高效率,因为在多CPU系统中它改善了访问的时间。*/ 51 }

/ 153 154 return __alloc_pages(gfp_mask, order, 155 NODE_DATA(nid)->node_zonelists + gfp_zone(gfp_mask)); /这是伙伴算法的核心实现,node_zonelists是zone_list类型,gfp_zone的返回值为ZONE_DMA或者是ZONE_NORMAL或ZONE_HIGH,这三个区分别对应着一个值,ZONE_DMA为0,ZONE_NORMAL为1,ZONE_HIGH为2,即__alloc_pages分配页面的管理区由的三个参数决定,如果gfp_zone的返回值为0,就是在ZONE_DMA管理区中分配,如果gfp_zone返回值为1,就是在ZONE_NORMAL中进行分配,如果gfp_zone的返回值为2,就是在ZONE_HIGH中进行分配。/ //下面是NDOE_DATA的具体定义: / struct pglist_data node_data[MAX_NUMNODES] __read_mostly;这里的MAX_NUMNODES的值为1,即就定义一个节点 / 156 } 1232 / 1233 This is the 'heart' of the zoned buddy allocator.

  • 这个算法是伙伴算法的核心操作 1234 / 1235 struct page fastcall __alloc_pages(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order, 1237 struct zonelist zonelist) 1238 { 1239 const gfp_t wait = gfp_mask & __GFP_WAIT; /为了实现查看是否允许内核对等待空闲页框的当前进程进行阻塞*/ 1240 struct zone *z; //这里为何要使用双重指针??? 1241 struct page page; //指向页描述符的指针 1242 struct reclaim_state reclaim_state; //可回收页面操作 81 / 82 current->reclaim_state points to one of these when a task is running 83 memory reclaim 用于回收页面 84 /

1243 struct task_struct p = current; //将p设置成指向当前进程 1244 int do_retry; // 1245 int alloc_flags; //分配标志 1246 int did_some_progress; 1247 1248 might_sleep_if(wait); //对可能睡眠的函数进行注释 1249 1250 if (should_fail_alloc_page(gfp_mask, order)) /检查内存分配是否可行,如果不可行就直接返回,即以失败告终,否则就继续执行内存分配/ 1251 return NULL; 1252 1253 restart: 1254 z = zonelist->zones; / the list of zones suitable for gfp_mask ///首先让z指向第一个管理区 1255 1256 if (unlikely(z == NULL)) { /unlikely()宏的功能很有意思的,可以自己去进行验证。这里要实现的如果z==NULL,那么就返回NULL,否则就继续执行。/ 1257 / Should this ever happen?? / 1258 return NULL; 1259 } 1261 page = get_page_from_freelist(gfp_mask|__GFP_HARDWALL, order, 1262 zonelist, ALLOC_WMARK_LOW|ALLOC_CPUSET); //从空闲链表中获取2^order页内存 //这是get_page_from_freelist函数的原型 // get_page_from_freelist(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order,struct zonelist zonelist, int alloc_flags) 1263 if (page) 1264 goto got_pg; //如果获得了相应的页就退出,否则继续执行 1265 1266 / 1267 GFP_THISNODE (meaning GFP_THISNODE, GFP_NORETRY and 84 #define GFP_THISNODE (GFP_THISNODE | GFP_NOWARN | __GFP_NORETRY)

1268 __GFP_NOWARN set) should not cause reclaim since the subsystem 1269 (f.e. slab) using GFP_THISNODE may choose to trigger reclaim 1270 using a larger set of nodes after it has established that the 1271 allowed per node queues are empty and that nodes are 1272 over allocated. 1273 / 1274 if (NUMA_BUILD && (gfp_mask & GFP_THISNODE) == GFP_THISNODE) //在不支持NUMA的情况下跳转到nopage处 1275 goto nopage; 1276 1277 for (z = zonelist->zones; z; z++) 1278 wakeup_kswapd(z, order);//回收页面操作,待解 / 1510 1511 A zone is low on free memory, so wake its kswapd task to service it. 1512 1513 void wakeup_kswapd(struct zone zone, int order) 1514 { 1515 pg_data_t pgdat; 1516 1517 if (!populated_zone(zone)) /return !!(zone->present_pages) zone->present_pages是以页为单位的管理区的总大小,如果以页为单位的管理区的总大小为0,那么就直接结束退出/ 1518 return; 1519 1520 pgdat = zone->zone_pgdat; 1521 if (zone_watermark_ok(zone, order, zone->pages_low, 0, 0)) 1522 return; 1523 if (pgdat->kswapd_max_order < order) 1524 pgdat->kswapd_max_order = order; 1525 if (!cpuset_zone_allowed_hardwall(zone, GFP_KERNEL)) 1526 return; 1527 if (!waitqueue_active(&pgdat->kswapd_wait)) 1528 return; 1529 wake_up_interruptible(&pgdat->kswapd_wait); 1530 }

/ 1279 1280 / 1281 OK, we're below the kswapd watermark and have kicked background 1282 reclaim. Now things get more complex, so set up alloc_flags according 1283 to how we want to proceed. 1284 1285 The caller may dip into page reserves a bit more if the caller 1286 cannot run direct reclaim, or if the caller has realtime scheduling 1287 policy or is asking for __GFP_HIGH memory. GFP_ATOMIC requests will 1288 set both ALLOC_HARDER (!wait) and ALLOC_HIGH (__GFP_HIGH). 1289 */ 1290 alloc_flags = ALLOC_WMARK_MIN; //

/ 890 #define ALLOC_NO_WATERMARKS 0x01 / don't check watermarks at all 891 #define ALLOC_WMARK_MIN 0x02 / use pages_min watermark 892 #define ALLOC_WMARK_LOW 0x04 / use pages_low watermark 893 #define ALLOC_WMARK_HIGH 0x08 / use pages_high watermark 894 #define ALLOC_HARDER 0x10 / try to alloc harder 895 #define ALLOC_HIGH 0x20 / __GFP_HIGH set 896 #define ALLOC_CPUSET 0x40 / check for correct cpuset *

/ 1291 if ((unlikely(rt_task(p)) && !in_interrupt()) || !wait) 1292 alloc_flags |= ALLOC_HARDER; 1293 if (gfp_mask & __GFP_HIGH) 1294 alloc_flags |= ALLOC_HIGH; 1295 if (wait) 1296 alloc_flags |= ALLOC_CPUSET; 1297 1298 / 1299 Go through the zonelist again. Let __GFP_HIGH and allocations 1300 coming from realtime tasks go deeper into reserves. 1301 1302 This is the last chance, in general, before the goto nopage. 1303 Ignore cpuset if GFP_ATOMIC (!wait) rather than fail alloc. 1304 See also cpuset_zone_allowed() comment in kernel/cpuset.c. 1305 / 1306 page = get_page_from_freelist(gfp_mask, order, zonelist, alloc_flags);//在进行了页面回收后再次进行页面的分配操作 1307 if (page) 1308 goto got_pg; //如果分配成功,就成功返回 1309 1310 / This allocation should allow future memory freeing. / 1311 1312 rebalance: 1313 if (((p->flags & PF_MEMALLOC) || unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_MEMDIE)))//#define PF_MEMALLOC 0x00000800 / Allocating memory / TIF_MEMDIE=16 / 63 #define test_thread_flag(flag) \ 64 test_ti_thread_flag(current_thread_info(), flag)

50 static inline int test_ti_thread_flag(struct thread_info ti, int flag) 51 { 52 return test_bit(flag,&ti->flags); 53 } / 1314 && !in_interrupt()) { 1315 if (!(gfp_mask & GFP_NOMEMALLOC)) { 1316 nofail_alloc: 1317 / go through the zonelist yet again, ignoring mins / 1318 page = get_page_from_freelist(gfp_mask, order, 1319 zonelist, ALLOC_NO_WATERMARKS); 1320 if (page) 1321 goto got_pg; 1322 if (gfp_mask & GFP_NOFAIL) { 1323 congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/50); 1324 goto nofail_alloc; 1325 } 1326 } 1327 goto nopage; 1328 } 1329 1330 / Atomic allocations - we can't balance anything / 1331 if (!wait) //原子分配,就跳转到nopage,即没有空闲页 1332 goto nopage; 1333 1334 cond_resched(); 1335 1336 / We now go into synchronous reclaim 现在进入异步回收/ 1337 cpuset_memory_pressure_bump(); 1338 p->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC; 1339 reclaim_state.reclaimed_slab = 0; 1340 p->reclaim_state = &reclaim_state; 1341 1342 did_some_progress = try_to_free_pages(zonelist->zones, order, gfp_mask); 1343 1344 p->reclaim_state = NULL; 1345 p->flags &= ~PF_MEMALLOC; 1346 1347 cond_resched(); 1348 1349 if (likely(did_some_progress)) { 1350 page = get_page_from_freelist(gfp_mask, order, 1351 zonelist, alloc_flags); 1352 if (page) 1353 goto got_pg; 1354 } else if ((gfp_mask & GFP_FS) && !(gfp_mask & GFP_NORETRY)) {//If set the mark of the GFP_FS zero,Then it doesn't allow the kernel execute the operation depending the filesystem .The mark of __Gfp_NORETRY means that you can allocate the page only once.Here allows allocate many times 1355 / 1356 Go through the zonelist yet one more time, keep 1357 very high watermark here, this is only to catch 1358 a parallel oom killing, we must fail if we're still 1359 under heavy pressure. 1360 / 1361 page = get_page_from_freelist(gfp_mask|GFP_HARDWALL, order, 1362 zonelist, ALLOC_WMARK_HIGH|ALLOC_CPUSET); 1363 if (page) 1364 goto got_pg; 1365 1366 / The OOM killer will not help higher order allocs so fail / 1367 if (order > PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER) 1368 goto nopage; 1369 / 27 PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER是那些分配行为被认为是一项花费较大的服务所对应的定值, 28 PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER is the order at which allocations are deemed 29 costly to service. That is between allocation orders which should 30 coelesce naturally under reasonable reclaim pressure and those which 31 will not. 32 33 #define PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER 3 / 1370 out_of_memory(zonelist, gfp_mask, order); 1371 goto restart; 1372 } 1373 1374 / 1375 Don't let big-order allocations loop unless the caller explicitly 1376 requests that. Wait for some write requests to complete then retry. 1377 1378 In this implementation, __GFP_REPEAT means __GFP_NOFAIL for order 1379 <= 3, but that may not be true in other implementations. 1380 / 1381 do_retry = 0; 1382 if (!(gfp_mask & GFP_NORETRY)) { 1383 if ((order <= PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER) || 1384 (gfp_mask & __GFP_REPEAT)) 1385 do_retry = 1; 1386 if (gfp_mask & GFP_NOFAIL) 1387 do_retry = 1; 1388 } 1389 if (do_retry) { 1390 congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/50); 1391 goto rebalance; 1392 } 1393 1394 nopage: 1395 if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_NOWARN) && printk_ratelimit()) { 1396 printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: page allocation failure." 1397 " order:%d, mode:0x%x\n", 1398 p->comm, order, gfp_mask); 1399 dump_stack(); / 278 279 The architecture-independent dump_stack generator 280 281 void dump_stack(void) 282 { 283 unsigned long stack; 285 show_trace(current, NULL, &stack); 286 } 241 void show_trace(struct task_struct task, struct pt_regs regs, 242 unsigned long stack) 243 { 244 show_trace_log_lvl(task, regs, stack, ""); 245 } */ 1400 show_mem();//如果没有空闲的页就显示内存具体分布,即罗列出相应的信息 1401 } 1402 got_pg: 1403 return page; 1404 } 1405 1406 EXPORT_SYMBOL(__alloc_pages);




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